Frequently Asked Questions

How to play

Q: How do I start a game of Crop Crusaders? 

A: Begin by playing rock, paper, scissors to determine who goes first. Place your first house on the board and start planting rice crops. Follow the game’s phases: Farming, Building/Repairing, and Combat.

Q: What is the goal of Crop Crusaders? 

A: The goal depends on the game mode:

Builder: Be the first to build all 6 houses.

Survivor: Eliminate all of your opponents’ buildings.

Q: How do I plant and harvest rice crops? 

A: Each house can plant one rice crop per turn in any adjacent space. Crops go through three stages: seedling (1st turn), mature (2nd turn), and ready for harvest (3rd turn).

Q: What happens when a unit or building is damaged? 

A: Damaged units and buildings are flipped to their damaged side but still function normally. They can be repaired by spending one rice crop.

Q: How do I move and attack with units?

A: Units can move and attack on their first turn. They must share a side with their target to attack. Ranged units can attack from a distance equal to their range.

Strategy Tips

Q: What are some beginner strategies for Crop Crusaders? 

A: Focus on building a balanced number of houses and units, protect your crops and buildings, and plan your moves carefully to maximize your farming and combat phases.

Q: How should I balance my resources between units and buildings? 

A: Early in the game, prioritize building houses to expand your farming radius. As the game progresses, invest in a mix of units to defend and attack strategically.

Q: How do I effectively use ranged units like archers and catapults? 

A: Position ranged units behind your frontline to protect them while they attack from a distance. Use their range advantage to target key opponent units and buildings.

Community Guidelines

Q: How can I join the Crop Crusaders community?

A: You can join our community via in person coming soon! 

Q: Are there any rules for community conduct?

A: Yes, we encourage respectful and constructive discussions. Please avoid offensive language, spamming, and any form of harassment.


Q: What should I do if I lose a game piece or tile?

A: We are currently working on that, for now please reach out on our Contact Page.

Q: How do I resolve disputes about game rules?

A: Refer to the official rulebook included with your game or check the detailed rules on our How to Play page. If the dispute continues, seek a consensus with your fellow players.

Q: Can I download a digital copy of the rulebook?

A: Yes, a digital copy of the rulebook is available for download on our How to Play page.


Q: Are there any expansions or additional content planned for Crop Crusaders?

A: Yes, we are continuously working on new expansions and content. Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter and following our Blog.

Q: How can I suggest new features or improvements for the game?

A: We welcome your suggestions! Please share your ideas in our via our Contact Page.

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