How to Play

Welcome to Crop Crusaders: Quick Start Guide

Hello, aspiring Crop Crusaders! Ready to dive into the world of strategic farming and epic battles? This quick start guide will get you up and running in no time. For a more detailed explanation of the rules, be sure to check out the full rulebook:

Getting Started

  1. Setup:

    • Each player starts with one house placed on their side of the board.
    • Determine who goes first by playing rock, paper, scissors.
  2. Objective:

    • Builder Mode: Be the first to build all 6 houses.
    • Survivor Mode: Eliminate all of your opponent’s buildings.

Basic Game Mechanics

  1. Phases of Play:

    • Farming Phase: Plant, ripen, or harvest crops.
    • Building/Repairing Phase: Purchase units and buildings, repair structures, or revive units.
    • Combat Phase: Move units and attack opponents.
  2. Rice:

    • Houses can plant one rice crop per turn in any adjacent space.
    • Rice goes through three stages: seedling (first turn), mature (second turn), and ready for harvest (third turn).
    • Harvested rice is used to purchase units and buildings.
  3. Houses:

    • Cost 3 harvested rice crops.
    • Houses can plant one rice crop per turn in adjacent spaces.
    • Damaged houses still function but need repair (1 rice crop) to return to full health.
  4. Battle Units:

    • Swordsmen: Cost 1 rice, range 1, movement 1, revive cost 1 rice.
    • Archers: Cost 2 rice, range 2, movement 1, revive cost 1 rice.
    • Catapults: Cost 4 rice, range 3, movement 1, revive cost 2 rice.
  5. Combat:

    • Units can move and attack on their first turn.
    • Units must share a side with their target to attack it.
    • Damaged units and buildings function normally but need repair (1 rice crop) to be undamaged.

Important Tips

  • Farming Radius: Units and crops can only be placed in spaces adjacent to your houses.
  • Strategic Movement: Plan your moves and attacks carefully to outmaneuver your opponent.
  • Resource Management: Balance between planting, harvesting, and building to maintain a strong position.

Learn More

For a comprehensive look at all the rules and detailed gameplay mechanics, download the full rulebook here: Crop Crusaders Rulebook.

Happy farming and may the best strategist win!

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